DiSC Results as a Coach and Employee

This is probably the second time to take this type of assessment the first time I took this DISC assessment was in 2017, which was provide by Wiley, I had scored High in both areas the D and C. the classic pattern results was Creative, it made sense then since I was fresh out of university and was ready to get things rolling. Also it has a close relation with my personality, which is an ENFP, always eager to try new ways of solving problems being very adventurous and exploratory it kind of made sense. Here are what my results were at that time:

A few things I am not sure about with the old results were the decisive, self-assured, and discriminating parts. Because they kind of did not resemble me at all, I lost some traits and improved some through the 5 years can be debatable.

2 days ago, on 10/07/22 I took the DiSC assessment provided by this course I scored High in the Influence criteria, mainly as an ICS and honestly, I am still digesting that that means, from what I can tell from the report this means the following: outgoing, seek personal connections, and enjoy frequent interactions with others. Also means that I have a “long fuse” and listen carefully to alternatives before making a judgment. tend not to force my own ideas on your athletes, but rather offer considered suggestions on how to improve and make technical changes. In short it seems I am more of people oriented and extroverted. This is what gather from the results. Along with what my needs are, my motivation and when stressed.

I have to agree with the results, or at least the majority of them, they are quite accurate especially the under-stress results and my reaction to conflict and what motivates me. For example, what motivates would be the opportunities that provide people-contact and the opportunity to help both the athletes within the team or club as well as those external to the team. There to help anyone I believe needs help. Which sadly brings problems not taking on more and more without saying no. which is something a person like me needs, which is also result as part of this assessment to say no to most situation something to work on.  In terms of under stress I have to disagree with the outcome which is, Unrealistic in what they think they are capable of achieving and wasteful of time and lacking a sense of urgency. Honestly in my natural mode I am unrealistic and have a lack of time management and urgency, its not related to stress. It is more related to Myers Brigs personal traits. As mentioned above I am an ENFP sense of adventure requires creativity and creativity sometimes involves not being realistic, along with being laid back this causes a lack of urgency so, I must disagree with this aspect. Having a long fuse means I can tolerate pretty much anything, in terms of the behaviour anger would only come when there is a particular attack towards me, mainly falsifying a particular value or principle I have, otherwise I am pretty much not angered easy. I have to say once I was enraged with referee during a U13 game as one of the defending player had made a bad tackle and stepped on the ankle of one of my players, which made get enraged was part of the sportsmanship at this level is to take a knee and allow to check up on the player, referee brushed it off which annoyed me. After doing some checks on the player’s ankle it was apparent that he gotten a sprained ankle from that tackle, hence my anger. Usually though I am cool headed.  I also agree with all the points for the Do’s and Don’t’s particular on the parts do not be task oriented and not to be vague these 2 items are probably on the top of the list of my annoyance. Finally things I need to work on look pretty accurate, I tend to take constructive criticism personally to some extent, also I tend to be indirect in providing coaching directions so that it does not look like I am telling people what to do is probably needed when being a coach some players come at different level. Those who are skilled probably do not need me to tell them what to do but maybe work with them on a personal and emotional level, the less skilled will need my guidance. Have some difficulty in quick decision-making, yet it is not due to what the athlete will feel, it is due to having 20 different thoughts on how to solve the solution and trying to pick the highest probability of success. From here it looks pretty accurate, and I have discussed it to great length will move to the next part.

Some takeaways for me are understanding myself a little bit better, taking some of the findings to improve myself which will help me to improve the relation with my athletes and both of us get to unlock our hidden potentials. I also learned there is a natural style and an adaptive style and the more they are far apart the more stressed I will be so I will try to make my adaptive style very close to my natural style to avoid stress.

I plan to start working on the parts where I am failing, for example the ability to always say yes so that I do not hurt people’s feelings. I need to start to work on this and good start can be off the pitch. Also time management is something I fail at and would need to become better in this aspect. Hence I will take some of the things from this report, not all because it is impossible to fix everything in short time, and try to work on them little by little till they improve. This will probably take no less than 28 days, because this is the minimum time that it takes to get a new habit and also is the minimum time it takes to remove an addiction or bad habits. Below is my results for the assessment.

In conclusion, there has been quite a change between the two assessments, since 5 years or more, there has been a shift in degrees in my dominance pillar while my Influence, Steadiness and Conscientious pillar remain roughly the same. This makes sense for a bit of change as humans we change, adapt, grow and learn, if we remain the same we will not grow, adapt and not learn from our mistakes.

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November 2022